노인 인권 사이버 교육 Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education

Access the online application site for the elderly human rights cyber education course.

You can apply for the 2021 senior human rights cyber education course at the Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute (KOHI).

Application for senior human rights cyber education course

2021 KOHI cyber education operation

KOHI Cyber ​​Education Operation Guide for 2021
Get certified and apply for senior human rights cyber training

노인 인권 사이버 교육

Apply for courses

In 2021, we will conduct cyber education on human rights for the elderly. 노인 인권 사이버 교육

After entering the elderly human rights cyber education, click the education application button among the four guides at the top to go to the relevant course site.

The process search and application process is as follows. 좋은뉴스

On the homepage, click the Course Registration button, and then click Search and Apply for Courses.

Select the training target from the course classification. You can choose from among civil servants, civil servants, and public officials.

Please click on the next training category. Since we are conducting cyber education, you should choose cyber rather than aggregation.

You can ignore the fields for selecting the application period and training period. Just leave it as default and search for it.

If there are too many results to find, just enter the course name at the bottom.

Simply click on the 2021 KOHI Cyber ​​Training and you can start right away.


KOHI Education Operation Guide for 2021


Elderly Human Rights Cyber ​​Education

education target

The target of education is the establishment operators and workers of long-term care institutions established in accordance with Article 32 of the Long-Term Care Insurance Act for the Elderly.

Workers include those who provide home care, visiting bathing, nursing, day and night care, and short-term care.


Essential Training Guide
In most cases, you will be required to complete at least 6 hours of cyber training when you apply for it.

It is impossible to take the course all at once, so you can click the course registration button on the homepage again.


training schedule
The application period is open all the time in 2021, so please apply at any time.

However, since the study period is 21 days from the date of registration, if you apply once, you must complete the course within 3 weeks.

The review period is 50 days from the end of the course, and there is no need to review.


Training Completion Requirements
If there is an exam, you must complete 100% progress rate (must complete 6 hours) and obtain an evaluation score of 60 or higher.

If there is no test, all you need to do is complete the survey with a 100% progress rate.

Even if you have completed the course, you will not be notified, so make sure you have your certificate of completion.


You can easily print the My Page – Certificate of Completion screen.


Why you should use the Chrome browser
At the end of 2020, the use of flash was officially stopped. Therefore, video playback is not possible with a normal browser.

If you use Internet Explorer, there are many missing errors depending on the version and cookie.

Also, the video is cut off in the middle, and there are many cases where it cannot be played back.

There were no problems with Chrome.

So look at the manual.

See the list of related sites, go and see if you can install chrome.


List of sites related to human rights education for the elderly

Elderly Human Rights Cyber ​​Education

Human rights cyber education for the elderly senior human rights education senior human rights cyber education operation website Korea Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute cyber education website nursing care workers human rights education for the elderly Human rights committee for the elderly education center kohi sai



KOHI Human Rights Education

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National Human Rights Commission Education Center – Cyber ​​Education

– Go to Cyber ​​Human Rights Education for Public Officials – Go to Cyber ​​Human Rights Education for Teachers Those who wish to receive human rights education at mental health facilities can take the ‘Mentally Disabled Persons and Human Rights’ course. –> 02)2125-9897 Homeless facilities



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‘Korea Efficiency Education Evaluation Institute’ is a remote lifelong education center where social workers and caregivers can learn systematic education for their work competency along with self-development.


Common sense needed to take senior human rights education

What are human rights?

Human rights are rights that belong to every individual simply because we are human. Our nationality, place of residence, gender, age, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or other status does not matter.

Human rights are not simply about human need or charity, but about human dignity, embodying the basic standards against which human beings are inherently unable to realize human dignity.

We all have equal rights to our human rights without discrimination.

Therefore, education on human rights for the elderly is necessary.


What is international human rights law?

International Human Rights Law means both European and UN international human rights instruments. It establishes the obligation of governments to act in certain ways or refrain from certain actions in order to respect, protect and implement the human rights and fundamental freedoms of individuals or groups.

Respect means that States must not impede or diminish the enjoyment of human rights.

There are many things you need to know as background information for taking the exam.


Please refer to the reference links at the top of the homepage for more details.

A course manual is also provided, so you can apply for compulsory education without any difficulties.