도로교통공단 이러닝센터 Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center

The e-learning center is an online traffic safety education platform created by the Road Traffic Authority. We provide a variety of safety training, but there are cases where you must take it depending on your needs. The website provides education for elderly drivers, passenger carers, and traffic safety teachers. After registering as a member, anyone can easily take the training. Please follow the instructions below to try it yourself.

도로교통공단 이러닝센터

Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center User Guide
Please visit the website first. Click the link below to go there.

Go to E-Learning Center

You must first register as a member to use it. Click the ‘Sign Up’ button at the top right. 도로교통공단 이러닝센터

After checking the consent of all, you can proceed with membership registration through identity verification (mobile phone, i-PIN, card).

After signing up and logging in, you will be returned to the main screen. Here you will find information about the main training.

– Senior driver education: Drivers over the age of 75 must receive compulsory education to renew their license (aptitude test).

– School bus education: This is for vehicles used for commuting to school for children and related workers. It is also possible to apply offline. (Shortcuts)

– Emergency vehicle training: This is compulsory training for emergency vehicle drivers. 좋은뉴스

– Traffic safety teacher education: This is the traffic safety education that teachers of kindergartens, elementary schools, middle and high schools must receive.

If you need to complete the children’s school bus passenger education, please refer to the information page below. This also requires membership registration, and you can start training immediately after logging in.

Go to Children’s School Bus Passenger Education

Shortcut to Children’s School Bus Passenger Education With the enforcement of the Child Protection Vehicle Passengers Act, the subject is required to complete the education. Since it is directly related to the safety of children, education must be carried out.


So far, we have learned about the E-Learning Center of the Road Traffic Authority. If you have any further questions or inquiries, please contact the Customer Support Center at 1577-1120.